Every welding job, no matter how brief or harmless it may seem every worker should be started with the proper personal protective equipment. This should include full-coverage face masks, gloves, and fire-resistant suits.
Welding is a risky profession that could lead you to many health and physical issues if you are not interested to obey the safety standards and precautions. The welding sunburn is the most popular issue that almost every welder experiences because of their recklessness.
Yes indeed! You can get sunburned from welding. Not only can welding outdoors increase your risk of getting sunburned, but the intense flashes of ultraviolet light released from welding torches can cause specific sunburns known as flash burns.
Many are asking that, is welding burn the same as sunburn? Welding arcs and flames emit intense visible, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation. UV radiation in a welding arc will burn unprotected skin just like UV radiation in sunlight.

Can you get sunburn from welding?
During the fabrication of the metals, the process provides UV rays of higher intensity, which could easily burn the exposed skin within a fraction of a second.
There is no repulsive argument on the topic, and every welder should be familiar with the fact, that welding burn is a professional threat; you have to deal with oftentimes.
How welding causes sunburn
Your welding torch provides UV radiation and flashes that if they come in contact with exposing skin or eyes can cause damage a lot. This damage is similar to the given off by the sun. that is why they called it welder’s sunburn.
Colour also affect the intensity and possibility of welding sunburn, reflecting the light making sunburn worse.
Why does welding give you sunburn?
Welding burn is not the case with every welder, does not feel threatened, and try to understand the depth that leads to this issue. UV lights can only affect the area of your body that will be exposed to the emitting rays during the process.
Regardless of the emitting ray is intensity, if you have covered yourself with the right equipment from top to the toe, then welding burn is the thing that you will never meet or experience.
The one thing for which welding gives the merit of sunburn is by showing carelessness and hitting the workplace without covering your entire body.
How to avoid sunburn or welding burn?
Of course, no one wants to experience the welding burn. And be interested to know the ways for avoiding it. So that could keep working for more decades, without facing any medical issues.
The only way to avoid getting welding burn during the fabrication process is by wearing all the essential and protective gear. Just do not let any part of the body to be exposed during the work.
There are two kinds of symptoms of welding sunburn:
1. Flash Burn
When you get flash burn the symptom may be sluggish to appear than when you get skin burn. Hence you should monitor yourself and notice any of these following symptoms:
- Blurred Vision
- Watery Eyes
- Blood shot eyes
- Foreign body in eye sensation
- Photophobia
2. Skin Burn
In this situation, you will feel instantly feel the burn when your bare skin is hit by the welding machines UV radiation, is welding burn the same as sunburn? Yes, welding burn has the same outcome as sunburn because of the Ultraviolet radiation.
And depending on the intensity of the radiation, the skin becomes more sensitive and may even start to peel if the burn is severe.

What are the welding sunburn treatments?
Being a worker or welder, you should be familiar with the treatment’s hacks and the acts that you have to do if you, unfortunately, get sunburned from welding, you should treat it right away, do not wait to make it severe.
Treatment for the skin:
Cool off the burned area
Cooling down the burned area is the crucial thing that you have to do instantly it helps in minimizing the damage and decreasing the inflammation. Once, you start feeling burned, take the protective clothing off, have a deep breath, and try to cool down the burned area.
Disinfect the wound
Make sure to disinfect to avoid any further complication, it is very important if you have a deep or open wound.
Examine the intensity
Right after cooling down the burned area for a few seconds, examine the intensity of the welding burn. If you have seen it serious, and it seems to be an extreme level of burn to you, then try to make the burned area wet. After using the water, peel off the burned layer smoothly and visit the doctor as soon as possible. Since the solution of such intense burn cannot be recommended without examining it closely.
Drink plenty of fluids
Drinking fluids can help you and also to wounded area to stay hydrated. This aids in the healing of the skin.
Cream Usage
Aloe included creams are best for the welding burn treatment you can also use calamine, for it can help to reduce inflammation, is welding burn the same as sunburn?
Indeed, and you can use the cream that contains aloe vera and calamine cause these two are good for sunburns.
And try to find any topical cream containing steroids because it is effective in that kind of case, as it both moisturizes and relieves the pain. But do not forget to consult it with the Doctor for better results.
Treatment for the Eye
For retinal flash burns, you can use lubricating eye drops. However, in the case eyes injured you must seek for Doctor Assistants. Sometimes doctors may prescribe antibiotics and oral medication to ease the pain. They also recommend covering your eyes for a faster healing process and avoid any further damage.
Here are the some of the Protective gears, that are must in every situation includes;
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Boots
- Jackets
- Pants

Therefore, don’t worry if you do get sunburned while welding, there is a clear and convenient protocol that you can follow, which can help you to recover faster, is welding burn the same as sunburn?
Getting sunburn from welding is indeed a possibility if you won’t take more care, same us getting sunburn from the sun.