Welding cable and audio cable are two different cables; however, has the same applications. They only differ in terms of installation that one of them is especially for a purpose in a unique situation. Is welding cable good for car audio cable?
It is a common question to everyone if it is possible to use a welding cable as an alternative to car audio cable.
Welding cable
Welding cable is a portable cord and designed for the welding machine used to power up and makes the work better. It is durable and flexible, which makes it a better mobile and transportable.
It is the passageway of the electricity from the source that produces heat to the machine, which melts metals for welding.
Welding cable or cord had designed to be flexible to make the welding process at ease and comfortable. The welding process in the shop or any construction site is frequently moving from one place to another.
In this case, the welding machine needs a cord or cable that is light and flexible enough for moving from one place to another, and it must be transportable or portable. That is the reason that welding cables had designed to be like this.
Besides, welding cables were designed as safe for the industrial environment from possible abrasions, burns, cuts, as well as oil and water exposure. Welding cable must be durable and reliable to avoid possible issues concerning these.
There are several welding cables available in the market varying in sizes, ranging from 6 AWG to 500 MCG. It is more flexible compare to electrical wires.
Moreover, welding cables can be used even in colder weather because it has characterized by thinner strands that make it more flexible and usable in all cases and situations.
It is available in different colors coating or jackets, and different brands. Is welding cable good for car audio cable?
Welding cable uses and safety
Welding cable has used to transfer, or it is the gateway of electricity from the source to the machine for start-up and further use and purpose. It had designed for use in a power supply that has not exceeded 600 volts of voltage.
It has a durable coating or jacket that is suitable in any environment and weather. Welding cable also is used as a substitute for a battery and car audio cable because it has the same usage and applications.
Welding cable is durable and safe from any environmental issues and problems. However, you must need the quality and brand of the product that is reliable to prevent any damage in future usage.
Besides, you need to check cable regularly to ensure cuts and abrasions and prevent accidents. Replace the welding cable right away if necessary. Choose the best quality and brand.
In a welding application, you need two cables, one for connecting the machine to the electrode, and the other cord is a connection from the machine to the thing welded.
Things to consider in choosing welding cable
There are things to consider in welding cable applications. Is welding cable good for car audio? It is an alternative to car audio cable because of its characteristics that fit on the application for car audio.
Whether it is for car audio or welding application, you need some consideration such as these:
1 – The Amperage capacity
Amperage capacity talks about the amount of electrical current that the cable can handle with safety. There are several welding cables, which operate in the same voltage but of different amperage ratings.
Some factors can affect the amperage capacity or the amperage rating of a welding cable. It involves the gauge, length, types of a machine it has connected, as well as the insulation temperature rating.
2 – The Length
One thing to consider in welding cable application is the length of the cord or cable. It is necessary to have a longer cable that can cover enough space of the workplace to avoid issues in working.
Remember, you need two welding cables for application, the one that connects from the source of electricity and the other one from the machine to the piece to be welded or also known as the work clamp.
3 – Size
The ampacity depends on the thickness of the cable; it affects the amperage capacity. If you have a thinner welding cable, it is not advisable to have it longer because the longer the cable, the lower the amperage capacity it has.
So, to prevent damage to your machine you need a thicker size of a cable if you need it longer.
4 – Covering
It is necessary to consider the insulation or the covering of a welding cable. Commonly, welding cables have a cover with neoprene or PVC. Neoprene coating or jacket makes the cable flexible, and it has protected from abrasion, water, moisture, and any weather.
While PVC has less flexibility than neoprene, however, it had protected from gas exposure and any petroleum-based liquid exposure. Moreover, it has highly protected from cuts and abrasion.
5 – Flexibility and colors
The flexibility of the cable matters as well as the colors. Welding cables were distinguished in different colors.
Is welding cable good for car audio?
The welding cables are alternative to car audio cable. Many people use welding cable for car audio, and based on their experiences, it is essential for this usage.
If you are reading several reviews, you find out that many people are using welding cable as battery cable and car audio cable for years and found no issue with using it. However, you have to consider some things to ensure the effectiveness of any purpose of usage.
So, if you are thinking of using welding cable as an alternative to battery cable or for your car audio, then you are in the right place. Welding cables are flexible and could use for both audio cable and welding applications and purposes.