Carrying your gas mask when you need it for portable purposes or remote locations, is not a complex thing to do. All you need, is get used to wearing your gas mask bag or carrier properly, so that you protect it from getting damaged during the transportation. This way, you make sure that it can keep you safe by staying undamaged and effective.
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One of the best gas mask bags I have personally come across, is the VooDoo Tactical Large MOLLE Drop Leg Gas Mask Pouch, which I find ideal as far as portability and convenience is concerned. I can use it for carrying almost any type of mask or respirator around, without much effort and complex processes.
Furthermore, for road trips that tend to last long, I would prefer a quality backpack over a gas mask bag or pouch. Being equipped with a great backpack like the Tactical Backpack 3-Day Assault Pack, guarantees that you can provide the best type of protection and survival conditions during a crisis.
How to wear a gas mask bag
Knowing how to wear your gas mask bag properly makes a huge difference when you are in the middle of a sudden incident that requires fast thinking and some basic survival skills. Carrying your gas mask will help you face any airborne threats, such as chemical or biological attacks.
A gas mask carrier allows you to stay prepared and be ready for any type of unexpected hazardous gases and fumes, without having to wear your mask all the time. You just have to carry it with you, when you know that there is a high chance of something like this happening.
So, which is the right way to wear your gas mask bag? There are a few different ways to wear it, although it also depends on the type of gas mask carrier you have.
1st Way
Most of the times, especially when you have a common gas mask pouch like the Black Nylon “Drop-Leg” Gas Mask Pouch, you need to start with putting the larger strap (or straps) around the waste, in order to completely secure the position of the carrier.
What you need to do next, is take the smaller strap and wrap it around your left thigh. The left thigh is the most typical, although if you feel that the right one is more convenient for you, go for it. Lastly, don’t forget the clipping to the little ring in order to stabilize the bag.
2nd Way
Using the same number of straps and a similar type of bag, like the Condor Outdoor MA38 Drop Leg Dump Pouch, you can make different strap combinations. For instance, you can use the leg strap and pass it through the ring. Then, you can attach and clip it to the waist ring to tighten the position of the gas mask pouch.
Using this way, you can avoid having the gas mask bag hitting your leg while walking, adding more freedom to the way you move. The waist ring can be used as a shoulder ring, stabilizing the carrier even more while offering the opportunity to handle the bag better with your hands when needed.
3rd Way
If you are carrying lots of gear and equipment with you, then it would be a smart idea to free some of the straps so that you can hang them and carry them along with your gas mask. If you want to avoid this, I would advise looking for a tactical backpack like the SOG Ninja Tactical Day Pack for significant convenience and more room.
In order to free some of the straps, you could attach the waist clip on an available point placed on the back. After that, you can take the waist clip and connect it to the front part of your body, such as on a belt for example.
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How does a gas mask bag help during an emergency?
When it comes to dealing with an emergency, or a sudden incident like a volcano explosion or a hurricane, then you need to act fast. Being prepared is the key, and you need to have your gas mask and mask carrier stored in a place that you have constant access. This is going to be especially helpful if you live in an area where natural disasters are common, and they could happen at any given time.
Gas mask bags play their own important role to keeping yourself safe during such occasions. Their main purpose is to help you carry your gas mask around easily, by staying strapped on your body and allowing your hand to remain free.
What is more, they allow you to carry more than one piece of protective equipment (the gas mask) when you don’t have a tactical bag or a backpack available. Like we explained above, you can free some of the bag straps and use them to hang the rest of your gear, such as your torch, a flask, your binoculars or a knife.
In my opinion, military gas mask bags are the best when it comes to survival purposes. They tend to be the most durable, provide more room and be more comfortable to carry around. One of my favorites is the ARMYCAMOUSA Military Tactical Backpack, which is a fully effective backpack for all types of purposes, such as hiking, survival, travelling or be used as a bug out bag.
What is more, there are more authentic solution for those who prefer original vintage gear. The Genuine WWII era British MKVII Gas Mask Bag is such a gas mask bag, which as the name states, was used by the British Army during World War 2 to carry their protective masks in the battlefield.
No matter the type of gas mask carrier you will choose, keep in mind that you have to store it in a safe place and maintain it in a good condition to avoid damage and corruptions. It is the best portable solution as far as gas masks and respirators are concerned, which will allow you to increase your survival chances during an attack or a natural disaster.
Gas mask bags, pouches and backpacks are essential equipment when it comes to transferring your gas mask or any type of head gear to multiple locations.
Make sure that you invest in a high quality carrier, that will provide the necessary space and comfort, so that you can move your mask around and take it where you need it most.