A firefighting job can be a dangerous occupation more than you think. The first thing you need to put in mind is that you will be risking your life in most situations.
For instance, you will have to risk your life and be in danger whenever rescuing someone who is at a risk to lose a life. This is what you will be doing most of your time.
You will also take part in saving valuable things from fire destruction. But this should not scare you. You will have undergone proper training to rich this level.
With all the risks involved, this profession is worth admiring in case you will love the involvements. Also, it must the payment should worth putting your life at risk.
No one hates life and someone ready to risk it should at least get the equivalent in terms of cash. Some several expectations and responsibilities come with firefighting.
So, how much can you earn as a firefighter? What will you be pocketing at the end of the year with this high demanding occupation?
In this article, you will get all your answers and know what you will be making as a firefighter after considering all the factors available.

Does rank determine your average salary?
The first thing you need to know is the there are various ranks in firefighting jobs. Some of the ranks are bigger compared to others. For example, you can either be a fire chief or a probationary firefighter.
Of course, each rank will demand different skills and responsibilities. This will then affect the amount of cash you can earn as a firefighter.
As a normal firefighter, you will be making something between $30000 and $40000 whereas a lieutenant can earn about $55000 per year. Moreover, captains make around $6000 while fire chiefs earn about $70000 per year.
The more you rise on the ranks the higher cash you pocket. If you will want to earn more, make sure to work on improving and rise through the ranks.
But this is not to mean that you show impatient. Make sure to acquire enough knowledge and with the time you can be earning as much as you dream.
How will you improve your firefighting rank? Well, everyone wants to earn to the maximum whenever given an opportunity.
This is the same case with a firefighting job. To climb through the ranks and make more money as a firefighter, you will have to take given exams.
When you excel on the test, you will move up the rank and earn more money.

What is the worldwide salary of a firefighter?
First and foremost, this will depend on the place you are offering your firefighting services. But as a firefighter, you will be earning an average salary of $47000 per year.
The lowest in the rank, at 10%, can make anything about $22000 or less per year. This is something enough to tell you that this is a paying career worth your risk.
As said earlier, various factors like the location play part. Make sure to confirm the payments in your region or state. Given here are average earnings.
Meanwhile, firefighters who made the most cash receive about $75000. It can be more reaching $81000 annually. To earn more, you will have to spend some time in the industry and know what everything is about.
And of course, you will have to pass a given exam for you to get the promotion to higher ranks.
In any developed country, you can make an average of $45000 per year as a firefighter. This is what most firefighters earn across most places around the globe.
You can now tell whether this occupation is worth risking your life. It can seem a hard task at first but with time, you will gain experience and enjoy the work. The more experience you gain the higher your salary.

Income depending on States
Every state has its laws and that is the reason we cannot give you the exact cash you will get as a firefighter. California, Texas, and other states pay their fighters differently.
Do not expect to earn the same as your friend in a different state. For example in 2018, firefighters in Texas earned $51000 while those in California pocketed around $74000 per year.
Washington paid its firefighters about $75200 while those working in New Jersey were earning around $76380. This shows you that the difference can be major depending on the state you want to work on.
You can use the internet and get the latest salaries depending on the country and state.
Consider the state which you stay to avoid disappointments on the average salary. The firefighter salary can either be high or as low as you could imagine.

Can you receive bonuses as a firefighter?
As a firefighter, you can earn extra cash on top of your salary. There is more that comes with this occupation, you can get vacation time, sick leave, and any other thing entitled to an employee.
One thing you will enjoy with this job is that you will not be working daily. No state can have fire breakouts each day.
Another thing is that you will receive compensation in case you work overtime. Is that not good? Everyone wants to earn in every extra effort they put into any task.
In case you provide firefighting services for more than 20 years, you can get half of your former salary when you retire. Again, different states might have varying rules on this.

Averagely, you can make $45000 per year as a firefighter. But, several factors may raise or lower your earnings.
The best thing you need to do when considering this occupation is confirming the average salary of a firefighter in your state or country.
Country laws may have an impact on your annual salary. Another thing you will have to know is that different ranks come with varying yearly salaries.